Sterling Rock Falls Amateur Radio Society
Communications around the world!
Sterling Rock Falls Amateur Radio Society
Communications around the world!
Communications around the world!
Communications around the world!
Sterling - Rock Falls Amateur Radio Society meets the last Thursday of every month except December. November's meeting is one week earlier if conflict with Thanksgiving. Meetings are held at the Coloma Township. 1200 Prophet Rd. Rock Falls, IL. Regular meetings are at 7:30pm. Dues are Regular - $12.00, and Senior citizens, students and second family members $6.00. S.R.F.A.R.S operates 146.850 repeater in Sterling, IL, 145.210, and 146.625 in Tampico, IL. CTCSS - 114.8. Repeater meetings are second Tuesday each month.
When communications are interrupted, we still communicate on Amateur Radio!
PO Box 521 Sterling, IL 61081